Our Fees
Chiropractic -
Initial Consultation - Adult 60 Mins £75
Initial Consultation - Under 16 40 Mins £65
Follow-Up Treatment - Adult 20 Mins £45
Follow-Up Treatment - Under 16 20 Mins £40
Sports Massage -
Sport & Remedial Massage 25 Mins £35
40 Mins £50
55 Mins £65
Combo Treatments (Chiropractic follow-up and Massage)
Please Note: Combos are not available for first visits
30 Min Massage & Follow- Up Chiropractic | 50 Mins | £65 |
45 Min Massage & Follow- Up Chiropractic | 65 Mins | £85 |
60 Min Massage & Follow- Up Chiropractic | 90 Mins | £95 |
Initial Consultation or Standard Treatment | 30 Mins | £45 |
Initial Consultation for Toe Nail Cutting | 30 Mins | £45 |
Follow-Up Toe Nail Cutting | 20 Mins | £25 |
Follow-Up Dressing Change | 20 Mins | £25 |
Methods of Payment
We accept cash and all major credit and debit cards.