Q: Can anyone call themselves a chiropractor?
A: No. It is illegal for anyone in the UK to use the title 'chiropractor' or to imply that they are a chiropractor unless they are registered with the General Chiropractic Council (GCC).
Q: What is the difference between an Osteopath and a Chiropractor?
A: Chiropractic treatment tends to involve a more "direct" approach with an emphasis on manipulation of the spine in order to enhance the general health of other structures such as muscles and bones.
- Chiropractors use short-lever techniques when manipulating/adjusting joints.
- Academically, chiropractors study for 5-6 years and are qualified to authorise and report on X-rays and other imaging modalities.
The Osteopathic approach tends to involve slower, rhythmic stretching or "indirect" techniques on the muscles and joints.
- Osteopaths use long-lever techniques when manipulating/adjusting joints
- Academically, Osteopaths study for 4 years.
Q: What can I expect when I see a chiropractor?
A: A full case history is taken. This is a detailed description of current presenting symptoms, including previous complaints, family history, your job or hobbies in relation to posture, other forms of care you have received (medical, nutritional, massage, osteopathic) and other questions to help determine the nature of the presenting complaint.
Permission will be sought to carry out a physical examination (this will include neurological and orthopaedic tests if necessary).
Before the treatment starts, an explanation will be given of what was found in the examination and discuss the proposed treatment plan.
Q: Do I need a GP referral?
A: Chiropractic is a primary contact health profession so patients do not need to be referred by a GP to receive treatment, however, certain private medical insurance companies require a GP referral before they agree to pay for your treatment.
Q: How many sessions do I need?
A: This will depend on:
- Your condition
- How severe it is
- How long you have had the condition
- How you respond to treatment
- How much of your chiropractors advice you follow
After your first examination and diagnosis, how long any further visits last will depend on your condition and treatment you needs.
The chiropractor will review your progress regularly and you will be asked to give consent to any changes in your treatment plan. They will discuss carrying out further investigations or referring you to your GP if your condition does not improve.
Q: Will I need X-rays?
A: X-rays are not routinely used as Chiropractors rely on their finely tuned sense of touch through examination including orthopaedic and neurological testing to palpate fixations/subluxations in the body. Chiropractors can refer, both privately or via your GP, for X-rays or any other form of imaging if there is cause for concern and it is justified.
Q: How do I pay for treatment?
A: Cash, cheque, debit or credit card. Dr Gail Rees-Jones is recognised by major insurers.
Q: Will the adjustments hurt?
A: The adjustments/manipulations themselves are fast with low-force which generally do not hurt, however, you may experience discomfort with the set-up prior to the adjustment/manipulation depending on how acute your condition is at the time of treatment.